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Hash Table


雜湊表(Hash table,也叫哈希表),是根據**Key 而直接查詢在記憶體儲存位置的資料結構**也就是說,它通過計算出一個鍵值的函數,將所需查詢的數據映射到表中一個位置來讓人查詢,這加快了查找速度。這個映射函數稱做雜湊函數(Hash Function),存放記錄的數組稱做雜湊表

Hash Function_1 Division Function

  • m = HashTable size

  • n = number elements store in the hashTable

  • Index = Key mod m


  • m = 5 (HashTable size)

  • n = 3 (Mike / Jason / Tim)

  • Index(Mike) = 123/5 = 24 ...3

Multiplication Method

  • m = HashTable size
  • n = number elements store in the hashTable
  • Index = [ m ( key*A % 1 ) ]
  • A = (√5-1) / 2
  • 相較於 Division method,此種方法隨機性會比較大,Collision 出現的機率會來的比較小

Handling Collision

  • 不論使用何種方法,一定會有 Collision
  • 當 element 產生 Collision 時,使用陣列把 collision-elements 存取起來


Build hashTable

class Hashtable {
// m =hashtable size
constructor(size) {
this.size = size;
this.table = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= this.size; i++) {
// division method
hash_1(key) {
return key % this.size;

// multiplication method
hash_2(key) {
const A = (Math.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2;
return Math.floor(this.size * ((key * A) % 1));
set(key, value) {
// value: Mike key: 11545
let index = this.hash_2(key);
this.table[index].push({ key, value });
get(key) {
const index = this.hash_2(key);
for (let i = 0; i < this.table[index].length; i++) {
if (this.table[index][i].key === key) {
return this.table[index][i];
printAll() {
  • 執行
let myHashTable = new Hashtable(6);
myHashTable.set(11424, "mike");
myHashTable.set(14, "tim");
myHashTable.set(113, "Jason");

  • 結果
[Running] node / Users / yenting / Documents / Algorithm / HashTable.js
# [Running] node "/Users/yenting/Documents/Algorithm/HashTable.js"
[ { key: 11424, value: 'mike' } ],
[ { key: 14, value: 'tim' } ],
[ { key: 113, value: 'Jason' } ],

[Done] exited with code=0 in 0.043 seconds

Hash keys are not number



  1. The simplest (but not very effective) algorithm is to use the length of the string.(把 key 的長度當成數值)
  2. you could take the sum of all the ASCII values of all the characters in the string.(轉換成 ASCII code)
build parse function

parse(str) {
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
result = str.charCodeAt(i);
return result % this.size;
refactor hash_2
// multiplication method
hash_2(key) {
let parsedkey = typeof key !== "number" ? this.parse(key) : key;
const A = (Math.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2;
return Math.floor(this.size * ((parsedkey * A) % 1));
  • 執行如下
myHashTable.set("white", "#FFFFFF");
myHashTable.set("magenta", "#FF00FF");
myHashTable.set("red", "#FF0000");

[ { key: 'white', value: '#FFFFFF' } ],
[ { key: 'red', value: '#FF0000' } ],
[ { key: 'magenta', value: '#FF00FF' } ],
